Serve fresh popcorn at Supermarkets!

Popcorn is profitable and popular and can easily be introduced to a supermarket environment!

Some of the big supermarket chains were ahead of the game with their recent introductions of new popcorn products which comprise of exotic and unusual flavours such as Chinese BBQ Rib.

Supermarkets’ own brand popcorn may be gaining a greater share of the market, but what better way to boost sales than by making popcorn in store!?

Martek Food Systems provides the necessary equipment to produce fresh popcorn and create an attractive display which, along with the irresistible aroma, will attract customers.

Competition among supermarkets is fierce and it is essential for retailers to invest in customer loyalty whichever way they can. We know that creating a fun destination location is a great way to increase brand loyalty and encourage repeat custom. What’s more…by investing in popcorn equipment for use in stores you can differentiate your service to that of competitors.

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